Nairobi/Kenya – Dar es Salaam/Tanzania

It’s May and it’s Maik, here back home in Germany, with some notes about the last 2 weeks from Nairobi to the coast of the Indian Ocean. But first of all some news from Tom. He has got his Visa for India (after some trouble) yesterday afternoon and should sit in an airplane to Addis Abeba right now, passing the peak of the Kilimandjaro. Denise is waiting for him already in Bombay, where he will arrive tomorrow early morning. They were planning to have some holidays together in India, before Thomas wants to continue this journey at the end of may.
He wants to cycle from Bombay to Khatmandu, from there to Lhasa and further east through China, up to Tokyo. When everything works out, with the Visas mainly, he wants to be there in October and he thinks about to return from there with the Transsibirian Railway Service from Wladi Vostok, back to Europe… But only to prepare the next enterprise, together with Denise. Southamerica. Spring 2008. By bike;)

I am happy about, that Tom continues this tour. That’s what he always wanted, that’s what let us go together – to see the world out there with your own eyes, to get an idea of all the life in all these different countries and cultures, to feel, that you are a part of it, part of this faszinating nature on this planet. Also the feeling, that you just do what you always wanted to do, what became part of you, this dream, this vision, and that it feels good for you, to travel by bicycle…

I am also very happy about our time together, our way we went together. 28 weeks. More then 13.000 kilometers. 18 countries. Full of life. Full of emotions. Full of nice memories and good stories. Here again, Tom, Thank You! and all the best for you! By the way, the chances are good, that Tom will meet David again in India. He took another route from Khartoum, through Eritrea, Yemen, Oman and Dubai. Good luck for you too, David!

Yes, it was a strange feeling, to say Good Bye to each other at the airport in DAR, last Thursday, to be back home in Berlin again, Friday morning, within 13 hours, basicly over night. But I am happy, satisfied with this decision. It’s a wonderful feeling to be back again. It’s spring time! ;)

For all of you who are hoping, that this will not be the last post in english – Tom and me, we were talking about, that I could post some more thoughts about this tour, now with some distance and a change of perspective, a kind of personal review let’s say. We will see. Maybe I also only will help with the translation of Tom’s posts. I am looking forward for his next pictures!

Maik ;)

pictures to this article: Nairobi/Kenia – Dar es Salaam/Tansania : Fotos

1. Mai 2007 - Maik | english texts | Kommentare :: comments :: comentarios | Inhalt drucken

6 Responses to “Nairobi/Kenya – Dar es Salaam/Tanzania”

  1. 1 Katrin und Ralf, die Moppedfahrer 2 Mai 2007 @ 18:17

    Hallo ihr Zwei,

    ein flotter Gruss mit Wüstenstaub aus dem Sudan!
    Wir braten wie die Hähnchen…..eigentlich wollten wir euch ein paar Zeieln über unsere letzten „Abenteuer“ zukommen lassen, aber das würde den Rahmen hier sprengen ;0) Wenn ihr Lust auf unsere Reisegeschichten habt, dann schickt uns doch eure Email Adressen. Tom, dir noch gute, sichere Weiter-Radlerei und dir Maik alles Gute in Kolombien! Geiles Land :0) Katrin und Ralf

  2. 2 Leander 2 Mai 2007 @ 20:11

    hallo maik,
    kathrin und marc besuchten mich gerade in london und ueberbrachten die nachricht, vom abbruch deiner reise. ich hoffe und wuensche, dass sich die klarheit der gedanken fortsetzt und du auch laengerfristig zu dieser entscheidung stehst. freut mich sehr, dich einer schoenen zweisamen zukunft mit elisa entgegensehend zu wissen.
    ciao leandro

  3. 3 Juanita_Gladis_Pablo 3 Mai 2007 @ 2:34

    Hallo Mike und Tom
    For you Mike, we wish to you a good return to Berlin. For you Tom, that you will have a good trip up to India. We will wait for the Mike’s translations that he should do to us of the rest of the trip across Asia.
    A hug for both
    Gesundheit und Zufall

  4. 4 OLIVER 6 Mai 2007 @ 17:09

    Ich werd Dich, Maik gleich mal anrufen. Tom, dass du blos nichtz aufhörst so gute bilder zu machen, wir haben immer viel spaß dabei sie anzusehen. schade das du erst nächstes jahr deine südamerikatour mit Denise, da werden wir schon wieder unter europäischen Himmel weilen. ich werd trotzdem bei jedem lagerfeuer an dich denken. viel spaß noch auf der weitern tour

    zwei frauen ein mann

  5. 5 björn 29 Mai 2007 @ 21:58

    Hi MAik,

    welcome back to Berlin. It was sure a quiet good time to travel with tom but everything ends or goes different ways.

    best greets bj

  6. 6 Paolo Notaro 4 Juni 2007 @ 18:57

    Hi Maik and welcome back!
    It’s good to know you got back safely and withiout problems. I’m sure you will now have time to go through all the pictures and rethink about the amazing journey you experienced. I hope you won’t stop writing and share all those insights with all the readers of this blog (especially the non german reading ones!). i also hope you’ll think of passing by London at some point to have a chat in front af a few drinks.
    Bye for now and hope to read more from you soon.

    Tom, we never met, but good luck and safe journey to Tokyo.


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